Gathering Tribes Gathering Tribes: 1573 Solano Ave, Berkeley CA(510) 528-9038 www.gatheringtribes.com
This Thursday, June 26 - 7:00 p.m.
Gathering Tribes is honored to present:
Maestro Mazatzin
Maestro (honored teacher) Mazatzin is an expert on the original ancient calendar upon which the Mayan, Aztec and Toltec calendars are based. These indigenous calendars are cyclical and we are currently in a cycle which ends in the year 2012.
Maestro Mazatzin will share information regarding the ending of this cycle, the beginning of the next one, and the prophesies regarding the time we are living in as they relate to the calendar and to the future of humanity.
The calendar not only charts natural time in 13 and 20 day cycles and 52 year increments, it also gives information about the purpose of individual's life based on the day, month and year of birth, Mazatzin calls it "Your Cosmic Identity and Responsibility".
Maestro Mazatzin received and answered his vision to travel throughout the continent teaching all who will receive the wisdom and message of the calendar and its importance to humanity, as he always states
"Regardless of your nationality or place of origiin, this calendar is about YOU!"
. He will also bring posters of the calendar and booklets detailing the images on the calendar and their meanings which will be available for purchase. . Mazatzin is able to travel the lands presenting this information due to the good will and financial assistance of those receiving it.
There is no chargefor this lecture, but participants are encouraged to contribute as much as possible so that Mazatzin can continue his journey of assisting all of usduring these challenging and interesting times.
Seating will be on the floor at Gathering Tribes. There will only be a few chairs available which will be reserved for elders and/or those who need them. You are welcome to bring a chair or pillow to sit on. We're looking forward to seeing you this Thursday at Gathering Tribes! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on upcoming events in Indian Country in the Bay Area, go to: http://groups.msn.com/bayareaindiancalendar/_whatsnew.msnw And listen to Bay Native Circle on KPFA 94.1 every Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. to find out what's going on in Indian Country!
Peace & All Good Things to You!
Since 1991, Gathering Tribes Gallery has featured art, crafts and jewelry by Native American artisans and features the artwork and jewelry of Michael Horse.
The gallery is located at 1573 Solano Ave, Berkeley, CA, and is open daily: Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For more information call (510) 528-9038 or check the web site at http://www.gatheringtribes.com/
Gathering Tribes is a Native American woman
owned business.
Contact Mazatzin directly to schedule your event: (510)406-3067
Contact Mazatzin directly to schedule your event: (510)406-3067
zemazatzin@hotmail.com http://www.aztekayolokalli.com/ anauaktawantinsuyo.blogspot.com kozkakuautli@gmail.com__1mazatzin@gmail.com_________________________________________________________
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